Comments on the Economist article on the Rohingya problem (Nov. 3)

Banyan's title of the articleUnforgiving history: Why Buddhists and Muslims in Rakhine state in Myanmar are at each others’ throats (the Economist, November 3, 2012) - belies the truth. Rohingyas are not at the throats of the Rakhines in Arakan. But the reverse is true. They are victims of the latest genocide which has already seen them marginalized and made stateless in the worst den of hatred, racism and bigotry of our time in the Buddhist-majority Myanmar. More than half the Rohingya population is forced to settle for a life of unwanted refugees. Tens of thousands have been periodically killed to terrorize these unfortunate people, who, by the way, are the only ethnic group that has not had a history of armed struggle against the hated regime since 1962. And funny that they are depicted as 'terrorists.' 

The Myanmar regime has long been known to plant race riots to ethnically cleanse these unfortunate people. The recent accusations against the Rohingya have been proven to be wrong. They did not kill any Rakhine youth or girl to start the trouble either in June or October. But in a place where racism and bigotry run high, Rohingyas became the natural target for violence towards a final solution that has been meticulously planned by the regime with its partners within the Rakhine community and the racist monks who want to create a new Myanmar in which there is no place for a non-Buddhist. 

Unless, the Burmese government and their partners in crime in the Arakan are stopped, the people in Myanmar taught the wisdom of diversity and getting along amicably, burying centuries-old prejudices, including false history of Rohingya infiltration, more violence would be directed to exterminate the Rohingyas. And it would be a serious crime to let that happen in our time. The world community needs to stop this latest genocide against the Rohingya people. 


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