A short lecture on Miracles of the Qur'an

 by Habib Siddiqui (Khutbah on 10/11/2019)

All the Prophets (AS) of Allah were outstanding examples of honesty and righteousness, known for their pure character even before being tasked with prophethood. Therefore, their claims about the unseen could be trusted due to their reputations as being the most truthful and trustworthy of men.

In addition, Allah granted them (AS) miracles or Mu‘jizah to remove any doubts that they were sent by Allah. This is quite evident from a hadith that is narrated by Abu Hurayrah (RA): The Prophet (S) said, “There was no Prophet among the Prophets but was given miracles because of which people had belief, but what I have been given is the Divine Revelation [i.e., Qur’an] which Allah has revealed on me. So, I hope that my followers will be more than those of any other Prophet on the Day of Resurrection.” [Bukhari]

A key point in understanding the concept of miracles in Islam is that they all are a result of Allah’s power and permission, and not that of human beings. The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S) performed more than a thousand miracles. These miracles were clearly impossible for any human being to perform without divine intervention; these were gifts of Allah (SWT) to Muhammad (S) so that the doubts about his Prophethood are removed and faith in his noble Prophetic mission solidified.

A. Miraculous incident before the birth of the Prophet (S) 

Abraha, the Governor of Yamen decided to destroy Ka’bah, the Baitullah. He proceeded with 60,000 fierce soldiers and 13 elephants. Allah sent down flocks of Ababil birds, flocks after flocks, raiding the army with small stones from the air. So, they perished with a total destruction! Abraha fled away while his flesh was bursting into pieces until he died on the way back to Yemen.

The best of Muhammad’s (S) miracles is the Qur’an. The Quraysh of Arabia who prided in their literary excellence, and who were known for their mastery in rhetoric and eloquence, and rightly described as the ‘warriors of words’, could not match the Qur’an.

Truly, the Qur’an will remain the greatest Miracle. It challenged the Arabs of Prophet’s (S) time with the finest composition of its words, its articulacy, its eloquence, its succinctness, its many meanings and all of the evidences which it contains. Its articulacy overcame them, and its eloquence overwhelmed their minds, in spite of their convincing speaking abilities and their fame as the masters of this field.

This challenge is first given in the following verses: "Or do they say, 'He [Muhammad] fabricated the Message'? Nay, they have no faith! Let them then produce a recital like unto it - If it be they speak the Truth" (Al Tur 52:33-34).

i)                    Some of the unique features of the Qur’an include:

(1)   The language in which Qur'an is revealed presents its highest and most perfect form of Arabic literature.

(2)    Qur’an is the only book that has had and still carries an unparalleled effect on human thought, ethics, morality, civilization, and mode of living. It first affected a group of people and as they rose built a polity and affected others, brought them uniquely together into an Ummah and set a golden era in the history of humankind. No other book has rendered a comparable revolution. Thus, the Qur’an did not just advance a unique theory, but its every word was actually put into practice by changing the mode of thinking of people that created a lasting world civilization.

(3)    Qur’an’s subject matter is vast and comprehensive – encompassing the entirety of existence from initial stages into its future. It discusses the reality of universe, its beginning and end. It tells us who is its Creator; what are His attributes; and why did He create this universe. It enunciates the position of man in this world and defines the correct human conduct. In addition, it discusses in detail the consequences that follow the right versus the wrong human conduct in the life of this world – and into another world after this life ends. 

(4)   The Qur’an did not come all at one time, but it started with a reformation movement among the people it initially addressed and with very forceful instructions. And as this movement continued for 23 years it passed through various stages and its leader addressed them according to their needs and requirements.

(5)    The leader who delivered the Qur’anic messages was well known to its people – from its beginning until its end. He would not go into hiding somewhere and come out from time to time with a marvelous message. They knew the way and manner of his own speech and could clearly see the difference in style between a hadith and Qur’anic revelation.

(6)   The extent of subject matter covered by the Qur’an is exhaustive.

(7)    The Qur’an provides guidance for the entire humankind despite contingent reality of its revelation to the Arabs in Arabia. This is remarkable, because in contrast to this, other revelations coming much earlier were by their very nature limited to a particular tribe or geographic locality.

(8)   Unlike other religious books, the speaker throughout Qur’an is in the first person, that it is God addressing His creation… Therefore, an outstanding beauty of Qur'an is that, although it was revealed through Prophet Muhammad (S), it addresses him and every one of us.

ii) The most astounding example of its Miracles is that the Holy Qur’an is the only remaining attested Sign from among the many signs given to the Prophet (S) and it will remain so long as the world remains in existence. This is due to the preservation of it by Allah, the Most High, in fulfillment of His Words: “Verily, it is WE, Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e., the Qur’an) and surely WE will guard it (from corruption).” [Surah Al-Hijr 15:9]

From its first day of revelation to this very day, to retain its textual purity, the Qur’an was memorized by many Muslims. Today, there are millions of Muslims who memorized it.

iii) There has not been a single mistake in any word or sentence of the Holy Qur’an in the last 14 centuries since its first revelations to Muhammad (S).

iv) The Qur’an revealed many of the secrets of the unseen and matters relating to the future. Let us cite two examples. Allah, the Most High, says: Alif, Lam, Mim. The Romans have been defeated in ‘Adnal ard’; and they, after their defeat, will be victorious within ‘bid’i seeneen’. To Allah belonged the matter before and (to Him it belongs) thereafter. And on that day the believers will rejoice with Allah's help.” [Surah Ar-Rum 30:1-4]

These verses were revealed five years before the Prophet’s (S) migration when the Persians had defeated the Christian Byzantine (Roman) forces in a territory north of Arabia near the Dead Sea. The use of the Arabic phrase Adnal-Ard in the Qur’an is very interesting given that it means both ‘the nearest land’ and ‘the lowest land’ on earth. What is so amazing is that our knowledge of the Dead Sea being the lowest place on earth is a very recent one and was unknown during the time of the Prophet (S).

The word bid’i is a number between 3 and 9 (less than 10). Allah’s promise transpired into reality when the Byzantines defeated Persia in 624 C.E., and in the same year (second year of Hijri) Muslims, led by the Prophet (S), overthrew the flower of Arab chivalry upon the field of Badr.

The second example we want to share is about the precise terms used in the Qur’an about the monarchs of Egypt. In Surah Yusuf (12:43-54), the Qur’an uses the term Malik (Arabic for king) and not Fir’aun (Arabic for Pharaoh) to refer to the ruler of Egypt during Prophet Yusuf’s (Joseph) time. (Qur’an 12:54) The king said: "Bring him (Yusuf) to me. I will select him exclusively for my own service."

However, the Qur’an uses the term Fir’aun (Arabic for Pharaoh) while referring to the Egyptian monarch during Prophet Musa’s (Moses) time. (Qur’an 40:26) Pharaoh said, "Let me kill Musa (Moses), and let him appeal to his Lord. I fear he may change your religion or spread disorder in the land."

Why is this so relevant? Because, for centuries it was thought that all the Egyptian rulers of the ancient time were referred to as Pharaohs. As a matter of fact, the Christian Bible insists that Abraham and Joseph (AS) interacted with Pharaohs. However, modern discoveries show that this is not true.

The early monarchs of Egypt were not known as pharaohs but as kings. The honorific title of ‘pharaoh’ for a ruler did not appear until the period known as the New Kingdom (c.1570-c.1069 BCE). Monarchs of the dynasties before the New Kingdom were addressed as ‘your majesty’ by foreign dignitaries.

So, there were no Pharaohs at the time of Abraham or Joseph. They were just kings. As can be seen from the above discussion, the Qur’an didn't make this mistake. The Qur’an correctly addressed the ruler at the time of Joseph as King, and correctly addressed the ruler at the time of Moses as Pharaoh, thus, once again showing that it is from Allah, the All-knowing.


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