Comments on media-control

The information above on Jewish control over the world media is based on facts and not illusion. However, by simply identifying the Jewish people (a matter of faith) with such charges, the non-Jewish reporters of such information often risk being charged of anti-Semitism. This is where we have to be very careful. We can only talk about people without their Jewish identity (I wish the same standard had been upheld for Muslims). For sometime, we used to speak about the evil of Zionism. But after it got revoked at the UN as not being a racist philosophy, we can't even criticize modern Zionism without being called anti-Semites. So, by definition Israel is a Jewish state, and yet its monumental crimes against humanity are non-Jewish and non-Zionist. If you criticize Israel, they would tell you that you are a Jew hater. You figure out!

When my own articles on the plight of the Palestinians first started appearing in the al-Jazeerah website and the Media Monitors Network, known to provide a media outlet on issues that matter to the Muslim world, and often at variance with the interest of powerful pro-Israel groups, I was quickly dumped as an anti-Semite, too, simply because my articles had appeared in those sites. Interestingly, the same media, owned by Jews and Christian-Zionists, would not let your non-kosher voices to be heard and push you to find alternative outlets, but as soon as you post your views in media outlets that are critical of the Israeli state, you have a new label of being an anti-Jew, an anti-Semite. You can't win either way!

Many years ago, Richard Pipes, the Jewish professor of history (father of anti-Muslim racist and bigot Daniel Pipes) tried to explain away such control as being simply a matter of choice that the Jews made in profession. In his opinion, Jews typically have been more into certain line of business, including money-making, i.e., banking and insurance, also in the entertainment industry, e.g., media, theater, music and movies, etc. He even charged Alexander Solzhenitsyn of anti-Semitism because the latter had said that there was an overwhelming representation of Jews among the Boshevists: how was such a massive representation possible in a country, which is an ocean of orthodox Christianity, where the Khajarite Jews counted so little? Solzhenitsyn blamed those Jewish Bolshevists of bringing in famine that had killed tens of millions in Russia after the October Revolution of 1917. Was he truly an anti-Semite or a neutral observer of history?
See, e.g., some comments on Solzhenitsyn's anti-communist remarks:

Before Hitler's coming to power in Germany, a review of the situation there would suggest that there was an overwhelming dominance of Jewish intellectuals in some important areas - e.g., academia and finance sector. They were even accused of bias in job hiring and promotion of the Jews (even in the universities), e.g., once they were in some high position where they could dictate the hiring of others, they made sure that the next guy and the second next in line were Jews (in corporate world we call it 'succession planning'). This created such a poisonous environment that when Hitler identified Jews as a national pariah or vampires - sucking the blood of pure-blood, hard-working Germans, there was such an overwhelming support from unemployed Germans, esp. after the Great Depression of the 1930s, which put Hitler's party in commanding lead. And yet any person talking about such issues pre-dating Hitler's coming to power risks being identified as an anti-Semite. There is an hush-hush attitude in the western world, esp. in those countries who played a vital role in the Jewish Holocaust, to punish anyone questioning some oddities with the entire Holocaust issue (this has become a big industry today) or immoral and irreligious activities of many atheist Zionists that collaborated with the Nazis.

As the account above substantiates what had long been alleged about some Jewish rich guys, one can see that even some major U.S. newspapers and TV stations that were not founded by some Jewish capitalists were later bought by them. And once they owned it, hardly did it go out of their control - transferring from one Jewish capitalist to another. The control of media today is almost complete among the rich Jews. Not surprisingly, the media caters to disinformation campaign on behalf of the Zionist state, thus, creating a totally unbalanced and unfavorable coverage on all matters Islamic, Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians (in particular). There are many Charles Krauthammers that are nothing but pen-pushing propagandists for the pariah state, reinventing yellow journalism to make a case to further Zionist interest, even if it meant costing billions of dollars to the already failing USA economy and blood of many non-Jewish soldiers fighting Israel's dirty war.

Interesting thing in all this is that Jews are at both ends of the whole game - they are the leaders of capitalism and socialism, communism. Here in the USA, most of the labor unions were started by them or at certain point came under their leadership. Some of the most outspoken voices against Zionism and anti-Israel rhetoric also come from Jews, who, not surprisingly are labeled self-hating Jews by the pro-Israel Jewish/Zionist demagogues.

In general, the Jewish people are smart people and deserve to be at the top of many institutions. However, many disingenuous Jews have found ways to keep their control intact by non-kosher means. Such behaviors solidify people's beliefs and add to giving credence to all those allegations about Jewish control on everything. In the corporate world I have seen them sometimes deliberately removing a more talented Gentile to make way for a fellow Jew who is inferior. It is unfortunate and I wish I had not seen that too many times. If my observation is not something out of the ordinary, one would be forced to conclude that the process of control (by a filthy rich segment within a minority religious group) in the USA - the most powerful county in our planet, is not just limited to the media industry alone, but in fact has reached the Corporate America today. That would be the beginning of an pre-Hitler era. I am sure the vanguards of this new-found powerhouse know it well that their reaching the top has alienated them from the vast majority and created the groundwork for an anti-Jew messiah. Thus, rather than being in the receiving end, they went into the offensive by tying the knots with millennium nuts of Christian Right to create their own Hitler for an world empire. Ideology is an important matter in all these. So came the agenda of a 'new world (dis)order', written by pro-Israel neo-conservatives. Thanks God that these forces of evil are somewhat bruised and defeated!

Based on all such information, anytime if anyone would smell Jewish control with all such activities, he/she risks being labeled as an anti-Semite, anti-Jew. And once you are labeled as such, it is a haunting label to crush your career. No matter how honest, brilliant and talented you are, and how rational you sound, they would say - well, that guy is an anti-Semite, and that is the end of it, you don't count!

And yet someone has to bell the cat, and the struggle for truth against falsehood must go on. My suggestion is that we don't want to blame a person for his/her religion but for the evil of his/her action. Control of anything in itself is not a bad thing as long as the intentions are pure and noble without harm to others. But when it becomes a vehicle for falsehood, oppression, aggression, abuse, detention, and anything Satanic or evil that is when it is a monster which needs to be brought down.


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