Gabo Mate: The Sadistic Zionist Project in symbiosis with Western Imperialist Powers; US and Palestinian Healthcare Professionals on Israel's massacres




Dear Friends, 


A short of items on the ongoing genocide the sadism of which surpasses that of the Nazi genocide.   When I visited Mauthausen, in Upper Austria not far from Linz, the Austrian Nazi party headquarters, earlier this year I learned that both Austrian SS and German SS were known to randomly push their victims off a high cliff above the marble quarry while jokingly (sadistically) nicknaming the acts "parachuting".   Of course, the violent deaths awaited the Nazi victims.   


Himmler was known to have ordered his SS units to destroy all evidence of their extermination project when it became clear that the Nazis were losing the war (and USSR's Red Army had broken through Nazi defence lines in the East.    It seems as though the SS leader knew what he and his men were doing were wrong.


The Nazi-Israel parallels are now made with increasing frequency, and Auschwitz is mentioned in connection with Gaza.  Before Nazism and Zionism, or Nazi Germany and Israel could not be mentioned in the same breath.  A few of us who drew that parallel early on typically nasty looks as if that was some kind of malicious, racist hyperbole.  


But the reality has caught up with the good people of the world. 


Two fundamental differences: 


1)  Israel is not yet approaching its 1943 - the year the tide of the way began to turn against the Nazis.   (Oscar Schindler, a former Nazi collaborator and a decorated Nazi informer, from Czechoslovakia,  kept a large map above his office desk at his factor in Krakow's Jewish ghetto.  The Polish sociologist guide told me that after 1943, Schindler stopped sticking coloured pins of cities and towns that the Nazis were capturing:  the trend began to reverse).    


For the simple reason:  the United States is continuing to provide arms and money.   Washington gave Israel $22 billion in grants between 7 Oct 2023 and 7 Oct 2024.  a high percentage of that money fill the coffers of the two 5 American arms manufacturing corporations (including General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, and Nothrop Grumman) as well as dozens of US politicians and officials such as the Pentagon generals, retired or in service.   Apparently, out of Joe Biden's nearly $900 billion budget for  "national defence", a euphemism,   about $400 went straight to the defence contractors (that is, these corporations).  


Unlike Himmler, Netanyahu and his Israeli Death Force don't feel a need to conceal any crime.   (Plus the USA have openly threatened UN criminal court, its judges and investigators never to touch their bulldogs that run Israel.  


2)   Where SS displayed their above-mentioned sadistic killing of their victims - "parachuters" - in Austria, the quarry was one of the sites from which beautiful stones were being extracted for Hitler's Great Aryan Cities project.   


Looks like megalomaniacs throughout history are typically obsessed with "greater this or that" project.    Netanyahu and his American patrons have a penchant for redrawing maps in the Middle East, a colonialist mental cancer, originated in the old Europe.    This White Supremacist European cancer is still there.  It cannot be cured. .


3)  The Americans are getting a bit alarmed about the Public Relations fall-out from Israel's apparent plan to starve an upward of 450,000 Palestinians in certain parts of Gaza - So they are coordinating the PR campaign at the UN via their Ambassador and the joint letter - about cutting military aid, if Israel continues to block the aid into Gaza.


Destroying health care facilities relently for a year, and blocking food into Gaza with 2.3 million. 


The intent and the plan and the deeds are crystal clear. 


The powerful Americans, especially democrats, don't want to be embarrassed, or more importantly, lose votes for Kamala Harris in an election which is a toss-up.




UN inquiry accuses Israel of crime of ‘extermination’ in destruction of Gaza health system

Inquiry headed by ex-UN human rights commissioner calls Israel’s attacks on health ‘relentless and deliberate’


UN inquiry accuses Israel of crime of ‘extermination’ in destruction of Gaza health system – The Irish Times



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