No one has heard the sound of such an explosion before, panic all over Teknaf


Cox's Bazar's Teknaf town and surrounding areas are shaking with the sound of continuous explosions coming from across the Myanmar border. From yesterday Tuesday afternoon, the sound of mortar shell rain and heavy shelling explosion was heard from inside Myanmar. Residents heard the sound of explosions throughout the night in the entire upazila, including the area along the Naf River in Teknaf. At this time, many people gave a status on the social media Facebook about the explosion. Many residents say that they have never heard such an explosion before.

Meanwhile, as fighting intensified between the pro-independence Arakan Army and the army in Myanmar's Rakhine state, many Rohingya citizens left their homes and gathered at the border to flee, people in the border area said. However, Bangladesh's Border Guard Force (BGB) is in a tough position.

It is known that Rohingyas have gathered around some areas including Khayenkhali canal near Mongdu city across Naf river. The people of the border area have expressed fear that they are trying to enter Teknaf by crossing the border. From five o'clock yesterday afternoon till this morning, the sounds of mortar shells and bomb explosions are being heard one after another in Kawarbil and Perangpuru areas of Myanmar. Fighting between the Arakan Army and government forces is intensifying in those places.

BGB has taken a strict stance to prevent possible Rohingya infiltration. From six to nine in the morning today, BGB is patrolling various areas including Chowdhurypara transit ghat in Teknaf, Naitong Para in Jaliapara, Keruntali, Baraitli. No one is allowed near the border.

When asked about the situation from Teknaf Municipality Panel Mayor Mujibur Rahman, he said that loud explosions continue from that side of Myanmar. There are reports that Rohingyas have gathered at the border due to the intensity of the fighting. However, BGB and Coast Guard forces are on alert at the border to prevent infiltration. Intelligence surveillance, patrols have also been increased.

The Naf River and the Khaenkhali Canal flow next to the city of Maungdoo in Myanmar. Rohingyas started gathering at the mouth of the canal since yesterday afternoon. People in the border area said that the Rohingyas who were waiting for the boats in the canal were expelled from different villages of Maungdoo city. They are trying to enter Bangladesh.

Local representatives said that five million Rohingyas live in Maungdoo township area of Myanmar. Most of the Rohingya citizens live where the attacks are currently taking place. A significant part of them are trying to escape to Teknaf in Bangladesh. However, Bangladesh has said that no new Rohingya will be resettled.The Myanmar border along the Naf River from the top of Netong Hill in Teknaf.  The photo was taken this morningThe Myanmar border along the Naf River from the top of Netong Hill in Teknaf. The photo was taken this morningProthom-alo


According to several sources on the border, the Arakan Army, a pro-independence armed group of the country, has been fighting with the Myanmar government forces for three and a half months. The Arakan Army recently captured 14 border outposts of the Border Guard Police (BGP), several police stations and police outposts in Rachidong-Buchidong Township, including two towns in the north and southwest of Maungdoo Township. Now they are fighting to occupy Maungdu city.

Executive Officer (UNO) of Teknaf Upazila. Adnan Chowdhury said that BGB and Coast Guard patrols have been strengthened at the Bangladesh border to prevent infiltration from Myanmar.


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