
Showing posts from June, 2024
  The campus of Nalnda was inaugurated formally by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on 19 th  June (2024) in presence of Ambassadors of many countries like Myanmar, Srilanka, Vietnam, Japan, Korea among others. Most of these countries are the ones where Buddhism was spread by the preachers sent by Emperor Ashok. Initially the idea of reviving Nalanda as a premier global University was floated by the then President A.P.J Abul Kalam in 2006 and later ratified by Bihar Assembly and UPA Government. On the occasion; Modi stated that this University was burnt by foreign invaders in 12 th  Century. He was just parroting the popular perception that Bakhtiyar Khilji, the courtier of Mahmud Ghori had burnt it. This perception is an add-on to the other such ‘social common sense’ that Muslim invaders destroyed the Hindu Temples and spread Islam by force. Incidentally the propagation of these understandings began with the introduction of communal historiography by the British and later picked up

AIPAC defeats Jamaal Bowman. Who will they target next?

      Yesterday, after spending an unprecedented $15 million on saturation-level attack ads, AIPAC successfully defeated Rep. Jamaal Bowman, one of the few progressive Democrats who has been willing to openly criticize the policies of Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel ’ s war on Gaza. The message from AIPAC to other Democrats critical of Israel: We ’ re just getting started. AIPAC is already eyeing additional targets, spending heavily against Missouri Rep. and fellow Squad member Cori Bush. AIPAC was the biggest outside spender in Democratic primaries last cycle and announced last fall that it would spend upwards of $100 million — much of it from Republican donors — targeting progressive Democrats this cycle. It is absolutely vital that the American people understand the influence of money in politics —   especially in sustaining U.S. support for the ongoing slaughter of Pales

Myanmar: Report by UN expert spotlights role of foreign banks in facilitating probable war crimes and crimes against humanity

  GENEVA (26 June 2024) – Foreign banks are facilitating the Myanmar military junta’s access to weapons and related materials that are sustaining its campaign of violence and brutality against the people of Myanmar, according to  Tom Andrews, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar. Banking on the Death Trade: How Banks and Governments Enable the military Junta in Myanmar  identifies 16 banks in seven countries that have processed transactions linked to the junta’s military procurement in the past two years, and an additional 25 that have provided correspondent banking services to Myanmar’s state-owned banks that are controlled by the junta. “By relying on financial institutions that are willing to do business with Myanmar state-owned banks under its control, the junta has ready access to the financial services it needs to carry out systematic human rights violations, including aerial attacks on civilians,” the Special Rapporteur said. “International

The Arakan Army: A Growing Security Threat To Bangladesh

  By  Sadia Aktar Korobi As the Civil war in Myanmar intensifies, the Arakan Army (AA) has emerged as a formidable force against Myanmar military in Rakhine State. Recent escalation in hostilities between the rebel group and the military in Rakhine has not only disrupted Junta’s hold in the region but also poses serious security threats to Bangladesh. Stray Mortar shelling in Bangladesh’s bordering regions included, last month, AA rebels even   kidnapped   innocent fishermen from the Naf river that Bangladesh shares with Myanmar. AA’s activities are becoming a growing concern for Bangladesh especially considering that Bangladesh has consistently responded with patience and dignity to the numerous provocations and challenges posed by Myanmar. On October 27, 2023, the Three Brotherhood Alliance (3BTA),  composed  of the Arakan Army, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, and Ta’ang National Liberation Army and numbering some 15,000 fighters, launched Operation 1027, an anti-SAC o

What’s Unsaid | Who can the Rohingya rely on?

  The current military rulers of Myanmar came to power in a February 2021 coup. Since then, they have been accused of massive rights abuses towards civilians, especially the Rohingya. “Over the last 40-plus years, the military-controlled state of Myanmar has singled out the Rohingya as a population unwanted,” guest Maung Zarni, an academic and human rights activist, told host Ali Latifi on the latest What’s Unsaid podcast. To get a sense of what life is like for Rohingya in Myanmar, Latifi also heard from Pacifist Farooq, a Rohingya poet-activist. “Poetically, we can call it an open-air prison,” Farooq said. “The government doesn’t even think of us as human beings. They call us illegal immigrants.” Farooq lived for 17 years in Rakhine State, where many Rohingya, a Muslim minority group, are from in western Myanmar. During that time, he needed permission from the military to travel between villages. “It’s an apartheid,” he said. The ruling junta, however, isn’t the only group accused of

No one has heard the sound of such an explosion before, panic all over Teknaf

  Cox's Bazar's Teknaf town and surrounding areas are shaking with the sound of continuous explosions coming from across the Myanmar border. From yesterday Tuesday afternoon, the sound of mortar shell rain and heavy shelling explosion was heard from inside Myanmar. Residents heard the sound of explosions throughout the night in the entire upazila, including the area along the Naf River in Teknaf. At this time, many people gave a status on the social media Facebook about the explosion. Many residents say that they have never heard such an explosion before. Meanwhile, as fighting intensified between the pro-independence Arakan Army and the army in Myanmar's Rakhine state, many Rohingya citizens left their homes and gathered at the border to flee, people in the border area said. However, Bangladesh's Border Guard Force (BGB) is in a tough position. It is known that Rohingyas have gathered around some areas including Khayenkhali canal near Mongdu city across Naf river. 

Tensions Along Border With Myanmar Shows Bangladesh’s Concern Over Rohingya Refugees

  Since February, fighting between the Arakan Army (AA) and Myanmar Junta troops has caused significant travel disruptions to Saint Martin Island, a Bangladeshi-administered island located approximately nine miles (15 kilometers) off the coast of Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The disruptions led to a food shortage on the island, and the Bangladeshi government responded by deploying naval and coast guard vessels around the island and calling for both sides to not fire rounds near the island. Satellite imagery of Saint Martin’s Island (Photo: Sentinel Hub One) Fighting Near Saint Martin Island and Transportation Disruptions Disruptions to the Teknaf-Saint Martin’s Island route started in February as the AA and its allies in the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) captured territory and bases along the border. However, Bangladeshi authorities suspended operations in mid-June because of intense fighting between the two sides near the city of Maungdaw. For example, the fighting led to several

The Intensifying Rohingya Genocide

  Media Release From Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK   For four and a half years, the United Nations Security Council, with the UK as penholder on Myanmar, has failed to uphold provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice on Myanmar to prevent acts of genocide against the Rohingya. As a result of this failure, in the past six months alone, hundreds if not several thousands more Rohingya have been killed. A new  report  from the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK sets out how Rohingya have been targeted as part of the Myanmar military’s intensifying genocidal campaign, against the backdrop of a brutal and increasingly complex war in Rakhine State between the Myanmar military and its proxies, and the Arakan Army. The Myanmar military has forcibly recruited Rohingya men and youth – including minors – by abducting them from their homes, villages, markets, some during night raids and often at gunpoint. Once conscripted, Rohingya have been subjected to forced

The United Nations’ food agency on Tuesday strongly condemned the looting of food supplies and burning of one of its warehouse in Arakan                                            Update from the civil war zone of Western Myanmar (source: FRC and Nay San Lwin): Rohingya Wards Attacked by Arakan Army Drones and Artillery Shells   Today, on June 25, 2024, starting at 5:30 pm, at least 20 drones and artillery shells landed in the wards where there is no Myanmar military presence. The affected wards are Ward 1, Ward 2, Bo Hmu Ward, and Ka Yin Dan Ward in Maungdaw Township.   This happened within an hour. Several people were injured, and the extent of the destruction is unknown. Three of the injured are in very critical condition and won't survive if they can't cross the border to Bangladesh for medical attention.   As the firing continues, Rohingya residents are fleeing to save their lives. By 7 pm, no one was on the roads in Maungdaw downtown.   The Rohingya residents