BHRN: Digital hate in Myanmar


1. Introduction


The country of Myanmar faces not only political and social chaos but also hate speech, which becomes a major challenge in every coup by the military. The hate speech in Myanmar has been embedded in complex and historic disaffection, social tensions and power dynamics. It becomes a big challenge to national harmony and social stability. Although Myanmar is known as a home of multicultural and diverse ethnic groups, there have been conflicts based on intolerance of diversity and differences.


Hate speech includes the widespread expression of words that is intended to incite terrorism, aggression and discrimination based on ethnicity, religion and social standards. As internet usage and mobile technology is developed, spreading short messages full of hate speech accelerates the existing tension and negative effects on marginalized communities.


The negative effects of hate speech are much more widespread than the visible conflicts. It always creates widespread fears and an aggressive culture that can destroy democratic administration and human rights. Hate speech can rapidly grow into serious actions and it can attack sensitive communities particularly ethnic minorities and religious minorities. This report analyzes not only the sources of hate speech and its evolution but also its effects on social cohesion and the peace process.


Understanding the mechanism of spreading hate speech and its diffusion can help solve the above-mentioned problems. The objective of the BHRN monthly report is not only to keep documented and analyze hate speeches but also to support the collaboration of civil society organizations, governments and international actors in tackling hate speech altogether.


2. Research Methodology


As hate speech is a term that comes from emotion, there is a wide spectrum in defining it, not a specific one. BHRN, therefore, standardized the definition of hate speech for this report as follows. Hate speech in this report means aggressiveness and hatred against protected characteristics of a person or a group, blaming, discriminative expression, writing, gesture, or art expression of excoriation, or dehumanization.


It means attacking someone’s faith, language, gender, sexual orientation, origin, ethnicity, skin color, race, belief, citizenship and physical appearance. The monitored hate speeches were categorized as (1) Criminalizing Hate Speech, (2) Abusive Hate Speech, (3) Dehumanizing Hate Speech, (4) Violence Inciting Hate Speech, (5) Threatening Hate Speech, and (6) Hate Speech that supports prejudicial actions inspired by hate speech.

BHRN has daily documented hate speech terms and usages found in the contents –based on the current political crisis - disseminated by the military.


This report was written after monitoring both online and printed media which were used by Junta and its supporters to spread their hate speeches. BHRN has monitored 3 Facebook groups, 13 Facebook accounts, 24 Telegram channels, 21 TikTok accounts, and 4 Printed Media during September of 2024.



Junta’s Propagative Methodology


The Myanmar junta is using hate speech to boost its propagative mechanism. The propagative mechanism includes repeating something, again and again, dominating mentality, deception and manipulating data. By using those techniques, the Myanmar junta is creating narratives that could promote their image as “the protector of the nation and the religion” and “the promoter of state and people harmony”.

The junta is using hate speech to stimulate serious emotions such as aggressiveness, fear and indignation. The junta is using those emotions to create hatred against its targeted areas and organizations by means of fabricated cases and distortive information. This can lead to giving up and disunion among revolutionists.


This disunion will lead to a situation in which the people focus on raising questions and blaming each other among the community rather than focusing on criticizing and fighting against persecuted policies of the military.


Context of misinformation as hate speech


In this report, BHRN has analysed hate speech in the context of the ongoing political tensions in Myanmar. Sometimes, when measured by international standards, what might look like misinformation takes on a different significance in the aftermath of the 2021 coup. This is because misinformation, particularly when aimed at individuals, groups with opposing political beliefs, or minority religious communities, can have severe consequences, even leading to loss of life and the intensification of religious and community conflicts.


Hate speech in Myanmar's current political climate is more than just false information; it can be a catalyst for very real and harmful outcomes, especially in the post-coup environment. Understanding this complex relationship between hate speech, misinformation, and their tangible impacts is crucial for grasping the region's broader social, political, and intergroup dynamics.


3. Findings of hate speech in Social Networks


A total of 114 hate speech cases were found during BHRN’s monitoring process this month. When Facebook accounts of hate speech spreaders were disabled, some moved to Telegram channels. The military mainly used Telegram channels and TikTok accounts to spread hate speeches and the hate speeches were done through the cartoons as well.


Hate Speech Targets and Usages


In this month’s (the month of September) monitoring, hate speech targeted the most was PDF and the second most was Arakan Army (AA) and the third was TNLA/MNDAA. Moreover, hate speeches targeting women, Rohingya ethnicity and the Muslim community were found as well.

       In addition, the most used terms of hate speeches for this month are "dog, terrorists, Kalar (a derogatory term referring to Muslim), prostitutes, non-pork eater (a derogatory term referring to Muslim), evil, illegal Bengali, Roleinnyar (a derogatory term referring to Rohingya).


Hate Speeches Targeting People Defense Force


The military Junta is using fabricated data to spread hate speech against those organizations that are fighting them. They are strongly referring to the fabricated data and fake news in spreading hate speech.


A pro-military Telegram Channel named Naung Yoe Hit-taing posted that PDFs are the ones who assassinated a senior monk who visited Kanpyar Maharsi Monastery in Nawin street, Wathteekan village of Pyay Township on September 2, 2024. It mentioned that they are not only murdering and forcibly collecting money, but also killing monks. The post portrayed that PDFs are terrorists and destroying the Buddist religion. The post used Criminalizing Hate Speech.

Original Post - Attach link file Translation (1)


A pro-military Telegram channel named Saw Ba Maung posted a photo where a PDF soldier was eating lunch, titled “The photo of a Phatkwatsar”. The channel explained that “Phatkwatsar” is used because PDFs were eating lunch on Phat (leaves) and on Kwat (Bowl).

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A Tiktok account named Min Thu 0011 posted that PDFs were disorderly running away as they got lost when the military burnt down their Phayaungtaungkar hideout. In that post, PDFs were mentioned as evil, dog and pig. That post used Dehumanizing Hate Speech against PDFs.

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A Tiktok account named AKMG posted that when the PDFs take over a village, the youth in the village were forced to serve in PDF and the women in the village were raped. In that post, PDFs were portrayed as unethical and the ones who thread the people. That post used Criminalizing Hate Speech and Abusive Hate Speech.

Original Post   Attach link file Translation (4)


A pro-military channel named as Sis-tway posted that the main perpetrators of the people becoming homeless are the PDFs, the puppets of NUG. PDFs are burning down those villages where residents have different opinions and standpoints rather than PDFs. The post portrayed PDFs as terrorists and the post used Criminalizing Hate Speech.

Original Post Attach link file Translation (5)



Hate Speech Targeting Christian Community  


After the Kachin Independence Army took over the Seinlon hill, Kachin singer Mai Mai Seng wrote that Seinlon Hill is a Kachin historic place and the military started building pagodas on that hill by brutally killing Kachin people on that hill. That’s why true Buddhist people should not them as pagodas. A pro-military channel posted that Buddhist people should revenge on churches of Kachin Christians living in the country because of the post of that Kachin singer.


In that post, Christians were portrayed as anti-Buddhist and Buddhists were incited to revenge against the Christian community. That post intended to create religious conflicts and the post used Threatening Hate Speech against the Christian Community.

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A tiktok account named as Sittukha posted that if the Kachin people keep insulting Buddhist Status and pagodas, the scaries of Buddhist people, in Kachin State, all the Churches across the country must be burnt down. That post was inciting to set fire against the Christian churches and supporting terrorism. That post used Violence Inciting Hate Speech.

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Hate Speech Targeting Muslim Community


A Facebook account named Poonoi Tina posted that the Netherlands drew from the Migrant Policy to accept Muslims due to the crisis in the Middle East. In the post, Muslims are referred to as non-pork eaters (that is a derogatory term to attack the Muslim community). That post used Abusive Hate Speech against the Muslim community.

Original Post Attach link file Translation (8)


A Telegram Channel named as KRPN posted that in the current conflict between Israel and Iran, if Iran was attacked drastically, Muslims would disappear in this world and then in the following years, Muslims would only be known by drawing pictures of Muslims.


That post used Abusive Hate Speech against the Muslim community describing the war between Israel and Iran as a religious war and describing Muslims as Kalar.

Original Post  Attach link file Translation (9)


A Telegram Channel named as Sittadin posted a photo of a Muslim man who was arrested by the Myanmar army. He was accused of putting his feet on images of Buddha in his mobile phone. That post intended to misrepresent a religion and to portray a Muslim as a religious blasphemer. That post used Abusive Hate Speech against the Muslim community as Kalars and the guests living in the country.

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Hate Speeches Targeted at Women


A Telegram Channel named as Death OF NUG(DOG) posted to arrest, torture and freeze the assets of the owner of the Kibou Japanese Language School, who had posted photos of protesting against the military coup on social media. That post used Threatening Hate Speech.

Original Post Attach link file Translation (11) A Telegram Channel named as Min Chit Oo posted that a teacher from a government school in Rakhine state is convincing the children in school to join the AA group when they grow up. Intention is to create Rakhine State as an independent state. Such teacher is being paid a government’s salary. That post used Dehumanizing Hate Speech describing her as dog.

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A Telegram Channel named as Sitthway posted that NLD women supporters are more likely to get pregnant because of their sexual pleasures with the PDF supporters who are claiming to be involved in the revolution. They do not even know with whom they became pregnant. That post used Abusive Hate Speech against women.

Original Post Attach link file Translation (13)


A Telegram Channel named as Han Nyein Oo reposted the Facebook status of Aye Chan Kyi Phyu which is about Non-CDM students. While living in Singapore, she is inciting terrorism on the internet every day. Actions will be carried out to revoke her visa, and passport and to seal her house in Myanmar. That post used Threatening Hate Speech against a woman.

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Hate speeches targeted at AA Rakhine


A Telegram Channel named Khit Thit Myanmar posted "They said Rakhine youth are being arrested and killed in the war between AA and Myanmar army in the northern part of Rakhine State. In fact, there are no Rakhine people left in Maungdaw as they had been sent to the liberated area even before the wars." That post used Dehumanizing Hate Speech describing AA as dogs.

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A Telegram Channel named as Min Chit Oo used the word of "Kelwar" while posting about the death of AA members due to the bombing of the military council in Maungdaw township, Rakhine State. The word "Kelwar" means "Dogs" according to the Rakhine language. That post used Dehumanizing Hate Speech describing AA as dogs. Original Post 

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A Telegram Channel named as Ko Thet reposted a Rakhine monk's Facebook status that Let alone food and water shortages, the situation in Rakhine have come to the point where life could be said in peace if there is no sound of bombs or gunshots. The channel mentioned 'don't worry, many more attacks are on the way for you', describing that monk as AA supporter. That post used Dehumanizing Hate Speech describing a monk who is the highest priority of Burmese people as dog.

Original Post Attach link file Translation (17)


A Telegram Channel named as Naypyitaw reposted the news that the AA Rakhine is collecting money from the people in Thandwe Township, Rakhine State under the title of Rehabilitation. The channel mentioned that it was a fake Rehabilitation, making a mockery of the unitary system founded by AA General Tun Myat Naing. That post used Criminalizing Hate Speech describing AA as terrorists.

Original Post Attach link file Translation (18)


Hate Speech Targeting Rohingya Community


A Facebook account named Min Bar Yar Zar posted that Rohingyas in the Mayyu region of northern Rakhine are not Rohingya, Myanmar is not a zoo and they are fake ethnic, they are just Bengali. In that post, Rohingya are portrayed as fake ethnic and criminals and referred to as dog and pig. That post used Criminalizing Hate Speech and Dehumanizing Hate Speech.

Original Post 

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Rohingyas were fleeing from Rakhine State to Bangladesh because of the civil wars in the Maungdaw Township of Rakhine State. Regarding that, a Facebook account named Zaw Myo Oo referred to Rohingyas as creatures illegally going to Bangladesh. Takhom Mart shared that post and compared Rohingya as dogs. That post used Abusive Hate Speech and Dehumanizing Hate Speech.

Original Post  Attach link file Translation (20)


A Facebook Page named 'Pyithuchitsitthar Arakhantataw' mentioned Rohingya as nominally Rohingya but guest slaves and terrorists. That post used Criminalizing Hate Speech describing Rohingyas as the people with fake identity.

Original Post Attach link file Translation (21)


4. Findings of hate speech on Printed Medias


Hate Speech against Rohingya Community


An article published by Bullet Journal included hate speech targeting the Rohingya Community. The article stated that the issue became an important problem since the Rohingyas were fleeing away from northern Rakhine to another country after August 2017.


In the article, several hate speeches and fabricated data were included such as Rohingyas are only Bengalis, May 13 is a holy day for Rohingya because it was the day that ethnic groups were driven out from Buthidaung and Maungdaw Township in 1942 Jihad invasion war, they have started propaganda of their fake name to get citizenship and recognized as Myanamr Rohingya since 1963-64, and they are trying to take over Mayyu region of Rakhine State as the Muslim land.


The article titled as “The Rakhine State in the trap of Bengali” written by Sunye and published by Bullet Journal. That journal is owned by an Ex-member of parliament of the Union Solidarity and Development Party, U Hla Swe. The article portrayed the Rohingya community as illegal migrants, terrorists, criminals who will put the country in danger.


Original Post Attach link file Translation (22)



5. The figure illustrating types of hate speech



6.  The figure illustrating the number of hate speech targets



7. Keywords used by hate speech writers



8. Conclusion


The organizations backed by the military always spread hate speech to motivate their supporters and divert the attention of the public from their crimes as the public have lost their confidence in the junta because of their human rights violations. Moreover, the junta uses hate speech to make people lack trust in those organizations that are fighting against the junta.


BHRN’s monitoring of hate speech in September, it is found that Rohingyas, Muslim community, Christian community, women, PDFs and ethnic armed organizations were targeted by the hate speeches. Hate speech incites violence, discrimination and threats the most.


Particularly, hate speeches were spread on the most widespreadly used social media platforms such as Telegram and TikTok. Spreading hate speech on online and printed media creates discrimination, religious conflicts, inhumanity and threats in people’s real life.



-     To boost efforts on analyzing hate speeches and removing them from social media such as Telegram and TikTok.

-     To upgrade people’s digital literacy awareness: Raising awareness on the danger of online hate speech and capacity building on critical thinking skills.

-     Upgrading dialogue and understanding: supporting peaceful dialogue and upgrading interfaith understanding to tackle different narrations.

The Myanmar future of a more inclusive and tolerant society that is free from fear and discrimination for everyone can be built by the approach.


Attached files Translation >>>


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The terrorist PDF born from the NLD Party is not only murdering, forcibly collecting money but also killing monks.

On September 2, 2024 at 10 AM, five terrorist PDF came to the Kanpyar Haharsi monastery in Nawin street, Wathteekan village of Pyay Township and assassinated a senior monk named Baddatawimala aged 57. The monk died with the injury on left ear.


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Do you know why they are called Phatkwatsar? Some of them eat on Phat (leaves) and some of them on Kwat (bowl). That’s why they are called Phatkwatsar. The photo is an evil dog eating lunch in the frontline.


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The hideout of evil PDF has been burnt down and they are now disorderly running away like dogs and pigs. They have lost a lot and the — of blood were left.


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PDFs are evil

What happened to the disciplined village? They never make love proposals to the people in their village, nor do they get married to the same villager. They are living like family and relatives. Now, after the village is taken over by the PDFs, the youth are forced to enter into PDF and the girls were raped. The raped girl was a supporter of NLD and they have destroyed all their disciplines and ethics. Just be known that your private parts are not safe as long as PDFs are inside your village.


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The main perpetrators of making the people become homeless are the terrorist PDF, a puppet of NUG. The reason why we say this is that they are setting fire to the villages where people have different standpoints and do not support them.


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(Text in the screenshot) a historic place of Kachin people, Seinlong hill, is got back. Thank you very much to those who have made this.

Do not be mad by linking this post to religion. No god lives in the place where evil people live. The military is using pagodas as the covers of their stations. They brutally killed our people on that hill and built the pagodas on the dead bodies. That’s why these buildings do not deserve to be called pagodas. These are neither for gods nor for religion.


(text in the caption) a Kachin Christian ethnic woman insulted Buddhist scary pagodas not to be called pagodas and she stepped up on a hill without taking off her shoes.

OH! Buddhist people, it is time to take revenge on Christian Kachin churches in the country.


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I am not insulting anyone and I do not tolerate if someone insulting our religion. Insulting the sacred Buddhist pagodas is the same as insulting the whole Buddhist people. That's why we will burn down all the Churches across the world. Our actions are not wrong because Christian people started insulting us and we are just taking revenge back to them.


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Due to the crisis with non-pork eaters, the Netherlands announced to withdrawal from the Migrant Policy of Europe that was supposed to accept non-pork eaters.


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Iran will be attacked. Muslims and fishes will only be known by drawing pictures of Muslims and fishes. Now the religious war has started. If Iran was attacked drastically, the fire of war would be extinguished.


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A Kalar (referring to Muslim) was arrested in only a few hours after posting on Facebook his photo of putting his feet on images of Buddha in his mobile phone. I now posted the photo of him before he got a lesson in jail. They said he could not leave the jail with his teeth. Be careful to all Kalars who are living in our country.


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To our Yangon citizens, this is the photo of Shwe Yi Myint Mo, the owner of the Kibou Japanese Language School, in Yangon. She is the biggest supporter of PDF and NLD and the one who always urges terrorism. Let me trust you, Yangon citizens. Put make-up on her face, then send her to Insein Prison and seal all of her properties. Tell me if you want more photos of her.


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Listen to that video. Listen to that teacher who is eating the government's salary. How she is convincing the children who live in the area where rebels are present. That dog is convincing them to join the AA group to create Rakhine as an independent state. If someone knows that teacher's name, school, and address, send a message to here.


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Because of the PDFs supporters who are claiming to be involved in the revolution but only taking off their clothes, NLD women supporters are now pregnant. They do not even know with whom they got pregnant as there are so many men. Very nice!


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This is the photo of NUG, PDFs supporter who is always inciting terrorism from Singapore. She insults those who are attending their schools peacefully as if it were a big sin. Her name is Aye Chan Kyi Phyu. Do you think as you live in Singapore, you can do whatever do want and say whatever you want? Wait, you cannot escape from my hands. To prevent this kind of woman from living in Singapore, revoke her visa and passport. Seal her house as well. We have her address. If you delete your account only after I upload this, I will come to Singapore and slap your face.


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Wow…The voice from Maungdaw came out! They said Rakhine youth are being killed! What kind of Rakhine people are there in Maungdaw now? Even before the war, AA dogs were driven out to the liberated areas.


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They cannot even pick up the dead bodies of dog AA in Maungdaw. Just a few moments ago, they were attacked with 3 jets. Die Die!


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A Rahine Monk’s Facebook status “Let alone hunger. They have come to a point where life could be said in peace if they do not hear the sound of bombs and guns”

Even AA lobby are crying. Rest assured. Many more to come.


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AA is collecting money from the people in Thandwe under the title of Rehabilitation.

Under AA terrorist Tun Myat Naing's one party system, AA thieves' lives are quite comfortable.


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(Text in the caption) There are only 135 ethnic groups in Myanmar. There are no Rohingya. Successive governments of Myanmar never recognized the Rohingya. Even those who are eligible to be citizens, they got Citizenship cards under the name of Bengali only. Myanmar is not a zoo of dogs and pigs that it has to recognize illegal migrants from another country.


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Dog Roleinyar

The name of the creature?


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Those people who claim themselves to be Rohingya are people with fake identities, guest slaves, and terrorists. They are Bengali people who are trying to plunder the Rakhine State and Myanmar.


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The Rakhine State in the trap of Bengali

The Rakhine State fell under colonial rule 60 years earlier than other parts of Myanmar. Myanmar is bordered by China, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh and India. The eastern part is bordered by China, which is a populated and superpower country. The western part is bordered by Bangladesh, which is a small country but very populated. All the neighboring countries are dealing with Myanmar based on their national interest.


Bangladesh Transition and Bengali Issue

Bangladesh's political change happened on August 5, of 2024. Sheikh Hasina, who is China, India and Russia-oriented, was removed and Muhammad Yunus, who is US-oriented, came into power. It is noticed that since Muhammad Yunus came into power, the issue of people who flee from Rakhine State has been more discussed. Bangladesh's political changes make some changes in the border of the Rakhine State as well. The government does not pay attention in controlling the border and border security has been broken. In the meanwhile, Bangladesh's foreign affairs advisor said that they will discuss with AA, the Bengali issue of fleeing from Rakhine State. In the administration of Sheikh Hasinah, there were some demands that Buthidaung and Maungdaw should be announced as safe zones and a Bangladesh military officer had said that Bangladesh should take care of Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships for the safety of the Bengali people.

All the conflicts that happened in Rakhine State such as conflicts in June 2012, October 2016 and August 2017 were intentionally created by the Bangali with their own plans. Additionally, the fleeing of Bengali Kalar from Rakhine State after the August 2017 crisis became the frontline issue of international affairs. Regarding this, the movement to invade their own land needs to be careful.


Bengali’s movement to invade land

Since the British colonized Myanmar, Bengalis got permission to enter Myanmar without any barrier. They even threatened the native ethnic people and drove them out. By taking the opportunity of WWII, they created conflicts and set fire to 214 villages in Maungdaw Township, 185 villages in Buthidaung Township and 11 villages in Rathedaung Township.


The second time was in 1946. The Rohingya tried to combine Maungdaw and Buthidaung with Pakistan and they even contacted Pakistan leader Ali Jinnah, but they failed. They attacked the local residents and drove them out of their villages.

The third time was in 1951. They demand to have a separate land for their own. They went to Libya to try to establish the Mayyu region as the Arakiston State. Later, they established the Rohingya Liberation Party RLP.


The fourth time was in 1988 and they surrounded Maungdaw Township by the force of 50,000 people. They shouted that “Kill the Rakhine people with the will of GOD, make holy war and longtime Pakistan”. They consider May 13 a holy day because they were able to drive the native ethnic people out of Maungdaw and Buthidaung Townships.


The fifth movement was in 1994 and they attacked Maungdaw Township with 12 timing bombs. The military could destroy them in time.


The sixth movement was in 2012 and they raped a Rakhine woman. They created conflicts in Buthidaung, Maungdaw and Rathedaung and they even did the Proclamation of Rohingya Independence State announcement.


In Conclusion - Rakhine State is in the track of Bengali people and it is necessary not to fall in their plans and tracks.


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