Aye Chan's seminar at SOAS, UK

My attention has been drawn to Aye Chan's seminar at the SOAS, UK: "Rohingya” from a Political Rhetoric to a Southeast Asian Branch of International Islamic Militancy.
A quick look at the topic is enough to show that as a xenophobic, racist and an intellectual fraud, Aye Chan is trying to tie up Bush's failed "Global War on Terror" with the Rohingya people's legitimate call for equality in Burma. By portraying the Rohingyas, who are peace-loving/craving Muslims, as terrorists, what he is doing is absolutely unbecoming of an honest intellectual. He is neither striving for analysis that are based on facts and figures nor is he promoting fairness in judgment. He is, instead, promoting narrow chauvinism and making a living out of mis-characterizing a persecuted minority. It is obvious that Aye Chan is unwilling to forgo his despicable past record of racism and bigotry. In the past through his poisonous writings, he has called the Rohingya "enclaves" inside the Arakan as outsider "Influx Viruses" that need to be exterminated. That is a call for genocide of the Rohingya people. His writing is a hate speech of the highest order. As a matter of fact there are laws against such preaching of hatred in the EU, to which UK is a signatory. The EU member nations cannot allow and should not allow a racist who calls for extermination of an endangered minority - the Rohingya community - to enter the UK, and preach xenophobia and hatred.

This matter of Aye Chan's coming visit should be brought to the attention of SOAS, whose space is going to be used for such a seminar. The matter ought to be also discussed with British MPs and authorities so that Aye Chan is either arrested on his arrival in the UK soil or being barred for life from entering any of the EU countries, esp. the UK, the venue of the seminar. The British government simply cannot allow access to a racist in their soil whose writings have been used to foment violence and extermination of the persecuted Rohingya minorities in Burma.

Aye Chan's linking the legitimate call of the Rohingya people for integration and citizenship to the terrorist cells is simply unacceptable. The Rohingyas, of all the persecuted groups, are the most peaceful of peoples that make up today's Burma. There is not a single armed Rohingya group that is today fighting against the brutal racist and murderous regime that has marginalized the Rohingya people. And yet, when they are blamed to have links with the terror cells outside is not analysis or facts, but paralysis of independent thinking and is nothing short of mere propagation of lies in the tradition of Goebbels. It is disingenuous attempt of a modern-day Arakanese Julius Streicher.


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