Comments on Hagee and Wiesel

John Hagee Interviews Elie Wiesel


Well, while this interview and kowtowing between Hagee (CUFI) and Wiesel may come as a surprise to some, who have not been following them in recent years, I am not at all surprised. For quite some time, both have been showing their true colors. As we found out during the Bosnian crisis Wiesel is a disguised hypocrite, who, sadly, behaves more like a weasel than an honest advocate of peace or human rights. His tears are only shed for the Jewish suffering and not for other victims of modern-day Holocausts -- not those who were slaughtered in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s by Christian extremists, and surely not the Palestinians who are routinely killed by his own co-religionists - the Zionist Jews in the Occupied Territories of Palestine. He has never condemned the rogue state of Israel for its gruesome murder of Palestinian civilians and destruction of their homes, schools, hospitals, etc.
As to Hagee, the least said is better. There is nothing to hide his despicable bigotry and toxic Christian evangelical zeal. They surely need each other for Israel and the coming world they want to craft for their kinds.
One wants to make sure that Israel's illegal occupation has the backers like evangelical Christians that comprise a powerful block within the USA. And the other wants to hide his true agenda of gathering the "rejecters" of Jesus like the lambs for the ultimate slaughter in the God's promised land that will take place with his second coming, and as such, like the sly devil (with a hidden knife under the scarf), is now showing his benefactor self! Interestingly, both know each other's ploy and yet have no moral qualms in cooperating. They are essentially two sides of the same coin that need each other to bring about the Armageddon on earth. Shame on their hypocrisy and bigotry!


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