Gideon Levy and Alex Levac on a teen casualty

A Palestinian Teen Puts His Hand in His Pocket. His Punishment: A Bullet in the Face

The Israeli army mistakenly thought it had thwarted a terror attack when it shot this 15-year-old in the head.
The bullet entered from the back of his neck and exited through the eye socket, shattering his head and face. A single bullet fired by an Israel Defense Forces soldier lurking in ambush with his buddies in the shade of olive trees. The soldier sees the person approaching the fence, unarmed, not endangering anyone, a slim teenager, dozens of meters away – but still shoots him in the head with live ammunition, wounding him seriously, destroying his life and that of his family, probably for all time. At first the IDF claimed that the soldier had thwarted a knifing attack, and later that the teen had “put his hand in his pocket in a suspicious way.”
In the end, it turned out that the Hamed al-Masri hadn’t done anything wrong at all.
To read the story, click here.


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