The World Disorder – Part 2
By Habib Siddiqui
At least 200 Palestinians have been killed
since the Gaza protests began on March 30 of this year to demand the right of
return to lands that Palestinian families fled or were driven from on Israel’s
founding in 1948. The Zionist leaders have mastered the art of lying and
deception. As they expand their illegitimacy over the Occupied Palestine and
kill the native Palestinians mercilessly, they are mindful that their evil
ploys to make the Holy Land ready for the emergence of ad-Dajjal still face
uphill battles. After all, Iran and
Turkey remain as the last vestiges of resistance against the powerful apartheid
state of Israel. So, the conspiracy goes on to destroy these two countries by
hook or crook.
It was no accident that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on
September 27, 2018 brought his dog-and-pony show once again to the United Nations
General Assembly and advised the world that he knew of a secret site of Iran’s
(non-existent) nuclear weapons facility. He urged the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) to immediately rush to that site, discover the horrible
weapons, and thus condemn Iran. Have not we seen enough of such charades from the
arrogant leaders of the state of Israel that never signed the nuclear non-proliferation
treaty in the last few decades?
We live at a time when the grip of demonic forces – thanks to the war
criminals like Netanyahu and Trump – seems ever strong. With their deep
connection with the military industrial complex, they want to bring about war
through chaos, deception and lies while maintaining their python-like hold on
the WMDs. Perhaps the IAEA should inspect Israel’s nuclear facilities. Would
the rogue, apartheid state allow such inspection of their own sites?
Thanks to the currency manipulators and Trump’s threats, the Turkish Lira dropped by 40 percent since the
beginning of the year. It did not matter that the
Turkish government has only 28.5% debt as percentage of the GDP (compared to
236.4% for Japan and 82.3% for the USA, according to 2017 year-end Bloomberg report), and that the economy has been bullish for many years
in a row with all the positive economic measures.
It is sad to see these days the obscene powers of the rich and powerful
countries that could break the economy of any country by design despite all the
fundamentals being at the right place. Any consumable product could be falsely
declared as unhealthy to bring a country’s economy to its knees. Consider,
e.g., the case of Malaysian palm oil, which is labelled as dangerous to health. Under the
pretext of saving the habitat of animals, i.e., the jungles, even palm diesel is
condemned. Forgotten there are the facts
that 60% of Malaysian landscape is forest (compared to 30% forest coverage in
the world) and that such boycott is depriving hundreds of thousands of people
from jobs and a decent life. Malaysia has been practicing sustainable
forestry management for more than a century, long before it became fashionable.
It goes without saying that the world is in a state of turmoil - economically,
socially and politically. The trade war between the USA and China, the two most
powerful economies, is wreaking havoc and the rest of the world is feeling the
Socially, new values challenging the concept
of marriage and family, of moral codes, of respect, etc., are undermining the
age-old family and moral values. Gender-based violence is at a new high making
the lives of many difficult, let alone threatened.
Frustrated and marginalized, nihilism has
become the new elixir for some confused young men and women. These neo-Kharijites
are tying bombs to their bodies and blowing themselves up in crowded places to
cause maximum casualty. Billions of dollars are spent every year to ensure
security of the travelers, but terrorism has not abated an iota. Unless the
root causes of terrorism are found and weeded out, and hearts and minds are
won, we will only be wasting our time and money.
Consider in this case the Palestinian
problem. In 1948, Palestinian land was seized to form the state of Israel. The
Palestinians were massacred and forced to leave their ancestral land. They
tried to fight a conventional war with help from sympathetic neighbors. The powerful
friends of Israel ensured the failure of this attempt. More Palestinian land
was seized in the 1967 war. And Israeli settlements continue to be built on
more and more confiscated Palestinian land and the Palestinians are denied
access to these settlements built on their land. The apartheid walls built
around the illegal settlements have created new Bantustans for the Palestinians
living in the Occupied Territories. Blocked on all sides, even access to the
Mediterranean Sea, Gaza has been turned into the largest concentration camp in
our time. Food and medicine carrying aid ships to the stranded Palestinians in
Gaza were not only stopped from reaching the Gaza coast, these were also
attacked in international waters by the Israelis killing aid workers.
The fight for justice has turned into an
imbalanced war of the Palestinian David trying to fight the blood-thirsty Israeli
Goliath with kites, catapults and stones. While their ineffective weapons don’t kill
any Israeli, they continue to be shot with live bullets and arrested. Massive
retaliations continue to be mounted by Israel, rocketing and bombing hospitals,
schools and other buildings, killing innocent civilians including school
children and hospital patients. Thousands are incarcerated. International laws are
broken with full disregard to human lives and properties.
Despite all such criminal activities the
powerful countries around the globe from the USA to India continue to reward
the apartheid state of Israel. Ignoring the advice of many experts, the U.S. President
Trump has even recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
his speech on November 1974 at the UNGA, the PLO (Palestinian Liberation
Organization) leader Yasser Arafat
said, “I came here Mr. President holding the gun of a revolutionary in one
hand, and an olive branch in the other. Do not topple the olive branch from my
hand, don’t make the olive branch fall from my hand.”
years have passed since that memorable day in the UN, and still the Palestinians
are without a state. They are denied the right to self-determination. They are
waiting for the world, esp. the UNSC, to intervene on their behalf. Will they
ever see justice?
In his speech at the UNGA, President Erdogan of Turkey warned:
“The efforts of those, who do not raise their voices against the oppression of
the Palestinians, to reduce the assistance for them, are only increasing the
courage of the oppressors. Even if the whole world turns its back, we, as
Turkey, will continue to be on the side of the oppressed Palestinians and to
protect the historical and legal status of our first kiblah, Al-Quds.” He urged
the international community to protect the legal and historical status of
The idea of peace without justice is an
illusion and is morally repugnant. Unless the Palestinians can return to
reclaim their land and live as equal citizens warring against them will neither
stop their legitimate aspirations nor stop terrorism. And as we have seen in
recent decades, others (non-Palestinians and non-Arabs) are willing to become
the Palestinian Spartacus who don’t mind dying for the legitimate rights of the
Palestinian people.
In this age of internet connectivity, truly,
local problems no longer remain local. They draw supporters, even from faraway
places, from concerned global citizens for a legitimate and yet neglected grievance.
While such facts should deter any oppressor or usurper from committing its
crime, the sad fact is that arrogance of power often blinds it from seeing what
is so obvious!
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