Message from Sound Vision on Afghanistan
The Taliban have declared victory and the end of the war in Afghanistan.
America has been in dialogue with the Taliban for a couple of years. They finally signed an agreement under former President Donald Trump for the US to withdraw last year.
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Taliban negotiator who was released by Pakistan at President Trump’s request, was humble in his first statement. He said the victory was unexpectedly swift and had no match in the world. However, he said the real test would begin now, with meeting the expectations of the people and serving them by resolving their problems.
• President Biden is right in withdrawing from 20 years of war. It is what former President Obama and former President Trump both declared they would do but could not.
• Afghans must determine their own future. They have the right to self-determination just as any other people do. If they want Islamic criminal law with their tribal code, they have as much right to choose that as Saudi Arabia does.
• American responsibility must go beyond evacuation of Americans and Afghan allies. There are at least half a million displaced people in Kabul right now and more are coming. USAID must airlift massive relief supplies to Afghanistan right away. The same flights can bring back thousands waiting at Kabul airport.
• If America can work with Vietnam despite its communist ideology and brutal conflict, it should have no problem working with the Taliban. Today, 30% of Vietnam’s economy is connected with that of the US.
• There must not be any ban on girls' education whatsoever. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, specifically mentioned women when ordering, “Seeking knowledge is a binding duty on each Muslim man and Muslim woman” (Hadith recorded by Ibn Majah).
• There must be freedom of religion for all Afghans, as per the Constitution of Madinah instituted by the Prophet himself.
Education of Girls in Afghanistan
In December 2020, UNICEF and the Taliban signed a formal agreement to run up to 4,000 community-based classes reaching 120,000 students in areas under the Taliban’s control. This agreement includes girls’ primary education. Hopefully, UNICEF and the Taliban will be able to expand the area of work now that the Taliban is in power.
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