A Prophetic Hadith to Ponder Upon

Hadith to ponder upon:
عن أبي هريرة، قال: قال النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: «والذي نفسي بيده ليأتينَّ على الناس زمانٌ لا يدري القاتلُ في أيِّ شيء قَتَل، ولا يدري المقتولُ على أيِّ شيء قُتِل».
[صحيح.] - [رواه مسلم.]                            

Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that the Prophet (S) said: ''By Him in Whose hand is my soul, a time would come upon the people when the killer would not know why he killed and the victim would not know why he was killed.'' [Sahih Muslim]

Are we witnessing that age?


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