On Ya’juj Wa Ma’juj

Mentions of the Ya’juj Wa Ma’juj or Gog and Magog can be found in the  scriptures. However, there is much controversy as to the identity of these peoples and their geographical origin.
While browsing the net today, I came across a well-reasoned article, which can be read here, that tries to offer some answers. I have some disagreement with the author of the  piece though since I believe that he missed out on the very identity of Dhul Qarnain, the  powerful ruler of the time when he built the Wall or barrier to protect his conquered people against marauders from the north.
As Mowlana Abul Kalam Azad had suggested in the early half of the 20th century, the ruler was none other than Emperor Cyrus of Persia whose crown contained two horns, symbolizing the unification of Media and Persia for the first time in history under his rule.
As history testifies his voyage and conquest took Cyrus all the way to the western frontier near the Strait of Bosphorus where the rebel Greeks were fomenting trouble whom he subdued, and later pardoned them with a stern warning. His eastern voyage took him to Makran - a desert territory in today's Pakistan, where the nomadic people did not have structured homes to take shelter against sun and night sky, and were at the mercy of the changing season and the harsh terrain.
Cyrus's last voyage, correctly identified by the author above, took him to the territories south of the Caucasus Mountain range, where he put the iron-copper barrier wall to save the peaceful inhabitants there from the marauding attacks of the Ya'juj and Ma'juj.
Later historical findings also confirm about the existence of that barrier. Much of that barrier since after the time of the Prophet (S) had collapsed. Most notably, the Mongols invaded and sacked Baghdad in 1258 C.E. taking advantage of the collapsing barrier in their raid of the Abbasid empire.

The people on the north of the barrier belonged to Khazar Kingdom who converted to Judaism in the 8th century, as also documented in numerous books by Arab historians, and Arthur Koestler.

Koestler advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a people originating in and populating an empire north of and between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Koestler's hypothesis is that the Khazars - who converted to Judaism in the 8th century - migrated westwards into current Eastern Europe (primarily Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Hungary and Germany) in the 12th and 13th centuries when the Khazar Empire was collapsing.
Over the next few centuries, Ashkenazis would gradually become powerful, and start dominating the world politics and economics. As we know now, the Ashkenazis comprise the vast majority among those who claim to be Jewish. They, in essence, control many governments in the western world, including the USA. Trump's declaration about recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is no accident and all part of a plan that we are witnessing as pawns in history.

There are some excellent videos by Shaykh Imran Hossein on this topic.

If we, thus, put the pieces of the puzzles together, a more clear understanding of the scriptures and prophetic ahadith emerges about Islamic eschatology  (i.e., a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind - Akhiri-Zaman), which seems reasonable.

It is rationale to believe that the Khazarites of the Cyrus's time were the Gog and Magog people. Towards the end of the time, they will play major role in world events until they would all be destroyed by Allah during the time of second coming of 'Isa (AS).


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